Miss Ruwani Seimon – Our Mentor… Our Inspiration

ruwani seimon

Miss Ruwani Seimon passed away today (07-Nov-2007)

She’ll always be in our hearts… because she was much more than a music teacher. Will always remember ‘the energy’ she carried all her life…


11 thoughts on “Miss Ruwani Seimon – Our Mentor… Our Inspiration

  1. piyumi says:

    I still cannot come to terms with the death. She was the personification of ‘teacher’. What she taught us will be carried on even after her passing away. She was able to instill in us the values that make a person a true and better human. May her love and inspiration continue with her children and students!

  2. Tracy Neumann-Levett (Canada) says:

    I am saddened to read about the passing of my dear friend, Ru. I met Ru when we both attended McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ru was my best friend through 5 years at McMaster, and many more beyond. Right from first year, we did everything together. Ru and I were known to often be in one of the “Piano Rooms”, where she played, and we both sang.

    In our first year, Ru brought me out of my shell, and took me to the meetings of the International Students Association (even though I am Canadian!). Because of Ru, I became involved in the development of a residence called International House, where diversity and tolerance were encouraged. I also attribute many of the friendships I developed at university to Ru’s influence. She touched many lives in Canada, and around the world through the ISA at McMaster.

    Right from the beginning, Ru became part of my extended family, and often came to my house in Brantford for weekends and holidays. My parents took her on as an adopted international daughter. When Ru was at my parents home, it was guaranteed that we would be spending at least 10 hours around the piano over the course of one weekend! She could pick up on any obscure tune that my parents could think of, and we would have a gigantic sing song until we were all hoarse, and Ru’s fingers hurt!

    Ru sang a beautiful solo at my wedding, which I will never forget. “Alleluia”.

    I have many many happy memories of Ru. She was a dear friend to me during those University years, and always gave me very sage advice about life. I have several pieces of beautiful artwork in my home that were created by Ru during her time in Canada, and I will always cherish these.

    I have read, with pride for my friend, articles on the internet about Ru and her very succesful students. I am very sorry for your loss of a wonderful mother, daughter, teacher and friend. I am sure that she will still be there in spirit for every concert that you perform in the future.

    With greatest regard,
    Tracy Levett,

  3. First of all I would like to say that we are thinking about all the people who have lost Ru as a music leader, friend, or relative. I am Tracy’s father, and she is right about Ru. She was great fun to have at our house. She was like a family member. When she graduated from McMaster University her parents came to Canada, and we had a chance to meet them. her father spoke at the Brantford Kiwanis Club about the Centre for Sight in Kandy, and we did fund raising for that centre, to give him some donations to take back with him.

    At the time Ru was in Canada I hosted a show on community TV in BRantford, and one Chistmas we had Ru lead the music on a special Christmas show.

    Tracy mentioned about the International Students Association at McMaster. I also attended McMaster in the 1960s, and was active in FROS (Friendly Relations with Overseas Students). My room mate was from Kenya, and through him I got to know all the Africans on campus. One of them, Stan Katambala, was a geology student, and during his summer job he worked for a mining company doing exploration. An accident happened when they were blasting, and he was killed in that accident. Later McMaster named on of the houses in the International Students residence, Katambala House, in memory of my friend Stan Katambala who was from Tanzania. I believe that Tracy and Ru stayed in Katambala house. at Mac.

    We have followed Ru’s career in music, and took great pride in her accomplishments. My wife, Elfrieda, and I are members of a community choir called the Grand River Chorus, and right now I am the President, so we are very active in choral music in our community. Our website is http://www.grandriverchorus.com. Music is an international language, and a way we can all share.

    I think it is great that so many people are sharing their memories and experiences.

  4. Prasanna Cooray says:

    Ruwanie’s Uncle & Aunt (Prasanna & Gem Cooray – 905-848-9969) are having a memorial service for Ruwanie . Please inform those who new her during her 5 years in Canada about the service. The details are as follows:
    Date: Saturday,8thDecember 2007
    Time: 1 PM
    St. Martin of Tours Church
    1290 McBride Ave.
    Ontario L5C 1M8

    Please be on time as the service will not be too long. After the service, let us meet in the Parish Hall to celebrate Ruwani’s life. Everyone is welcome.
    Take HWY 403 and exit Mavis Rd. South
    At Burnhamthorpe Rd. (2nd light ) turn right
    At Erindale Station Rd. (3rd light) turn left
    At McBride Ave. (2nd light) turn right

    Those of you who are familiar with Google Maps can use the following link to obtain directions from your locatiohttp://maps.google.ca/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=St+Martin+Of+Tours+Parish&near=1290+McBride+Ave.+Mississauga,+ON,+L5C1M8&sll=43.575541,-79.656372&sspn=0.051984,0.145912&ie=UTF8&ll=43.572432,-79.651909&spn=0.025993,0.072956&z=14&om=1

  5. Sreekanth says:

    Death is not the end, but a point in the journey of the soul, She will remain in the heart of people who loved and whom she loved…………sree

  6. Kanji Jain says:

    I saddened to hear about the passing of Ru. I knew Ru at McMaster University and shared a house with her and many others during my first year at university. She was a wonderful person with a bubbly, outgoing personality and a beautiful voice. I have read on the internet about all her accomplishments and her various life journies. Needless to say that she was a very courageous person. She will be greatly missed but her legacy will live on.

  7. Kanji Jain says:

    I am saddened to hear about the passing of Ru. I knew Ru at McMaster University and shared a house with her and many others during my first year at university. She was a wonderful person with a bubbly, outgoing personality and a beautiful voice. I have read on the internet about all her accomplishments and her various life journies. Needless to say that she was a very courageous person. She will be greatly missed but her legacy will live on.

  8. A Holy Mass in her memory will be offered at Sancta Maria Church, Kandy on Friday, 7th November 2008 at 11.00 a.m.


    St. Joseph’s Church, Nugegoda on Saturday, 8th November 2008 at 8:00 a.m.

    The presence of friends & relations would be greatly appreciated.”

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